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  • Simon Benoit

    Pour une société moins malade, cultivons notre littératie physique et bougeons!

    Je me fais un devoir d’agir en bon ambassadeur des saines habitudes de vie en ne manquant aucune occasion d’évoquer le plus souvent possible les nombreux bienfaits de l’activité physique. Il fait consensus que l’état de santé actuel et futur de notre société repose en bonne partie sur le niveau d’éducation de ses différentes communautés. […] Plus

  • L'athlète Jean-François Cauchon est un modèle de détermination et de concentration en course

    Le formidable effet placebo de la motivation

    À travers l’évolution de l’espèce humaine, une seule caractéristique bien spécifique a permis à l’Homo Sapiens de se distinguer et de prendre le dessus sur ses rivaux : sa capacité à rêver. Du rêve découle la capacité de convaincre, de se convaincre soi-même d’abord, puis de convaincre sa communauté de la pertinence de son projet ou […] Plus

  • stretching runner

    Do We Really Need to Stretch?

    To stretch or not to stretch, that is the question. Stretch before, stretch after? Stretch for 10 seconds? Stretch for two minutes? What types of stretches to try? Should we stretch, warm up or both? Does science have a clear answer to all of these questions? One thing is certain, popular opinion still seems clearly […] Plus

  • simon benoit

    Heat makes the runner unhappy: here’s why

    Exposure to high temperatures and humidity is a major challenge for any participant of an endurance running race. Add to this an absence of wind and the invisible enemy, ultraviolet or UV rays, and the runner is faced with a truly fearsome climactic challenge. During the off-season, many runners plan to race abroad in hostile […] Plus

  • club de trail de montreal

    Running wisely means focusing on quality rather than quantity

    GPS watches, as well as our lovely social networks (Strava, Facebook and others), have the annoying habit of pushing us to increase our training volume rather than its quality and specificity. Although very useful, these tools can quickly become a runner’s worst enemy. There are many theories on training better to reach your trail running […] Plus

  • simon benoit

    Feeling depressed or anxious? Try running as a medicine.

    Let’s face it: we live in a stressful world, and now we are all experiencing a new collective stress as we undergo this worldwide pandemic. We all know folks who are affected by mental health issues. Can a good physician prescribe running for depression or anxiety disorders? Most people report feeling better and “energized” after […] Plus

  • simon benoit

    Becoming a run-commuter, the prescription of Doc Benoit

    Our collaborator Simon Benoit, an emergency doctor at the Verdun Hospital in Montreal, runs to work every day. As doctor who prescribes running through his chronicles of Distances+, he expands upon the common theme of reconciling family, work to recommend, if you can, to become yourself, dear readers, run-commuters. The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology […] Plus

  • étudiant physiothérapie

    How to choose the best professional to treat an injury

    A runner who goes too hard, too fast or too often places great mechanical stress on his body and risks exceeding his body’s ability to adapt. This is when injuries occur. When you are injured, consulting a skilled professional not only speeds up recovery, but also helps you understand the mechanisms that are essential to […] Plus

  • coeur soleil sculpture

    Covid19: we are united against you!

    Dr. Simon Benoit divides his time between his responsibilities as a doctor in the emergency department of the Verdun Hospital in Montreal, Canada, and as a chief doctor at a Medical Clinic. A complete reorganization of the Quebec health care system has been carried out over the past weeks to put everything in place to […] Plus

  • coeur soleil sculpture

    COVID 19, nous sommes unis contre toi!

    Le Docteur Simon Benoit partage son temps entre ses responsabilités de médecin au service d’urgence de l’hôpital de Verdun et de médecin-chef au GMF-R de la Clinique médicale du Sud-Ouest à Montréal. Une réorganisation complète du système de soins de santé québécois a été effectuée au cours des deux dernières semaines pour tout mettre en […] Plus

  • foot print sand

    On the Relevance and Prescription of Foot Orthotics

    The popularity of foot orthotics is on the rise. They are prescribed by many professionals with various educational backgrounds, from podologists, to orthotists, and podiatric physicians. The cost of prescribed foot orthotics varies widely, from as little as $10 for manufactured products sold in pharmacies to several hundred dollars for soft material orthotics molded by […] Plus

  • Souliers minmalistes

    Choosing a Shoe Is an Exercise in Itself: Minimalism Explained

    In running, as in everything else, trends come and go. The minimalist style, very fashionable a few years ago, has now apparently give way to shoes with high stack height. Almost every manufacturer is constantly offering new models in this style with the promise of improved performance and reduced risk of injury. How can you […] Plus

  • coureur souliers

    Runners and anti-inflammatories: controversy and options

    We saw in the first article written about this subject that pain episodes associated with an injury are frequently treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in sports medicine. Two specific outcomes are targeted by NSAIDs: the treatment of pain and the treatment of the injury itself. Let’s try to understand the impact and effectiveness of […] Plus

  • Un coureur

    The side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs: your need-to-know

    In Canada only, 19 million prescriptions for pain relievers are written each year and $4.5 billion is spent on every imaginable type of pain relievers available over the counter. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are popular with athletes who are looking for a quick solution to their aches and pains. In this class of drugs you […] Plus